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Kristen Bryant

I agree, we are part of an amazing talented group of ladies! I am so glad you are enjoying demonstrating so much. It is great to be able to do something we love.

Lori B

Thanks for posting another one of my cards! I am honored! I am so thrilled to be part of the best team in Stampin' Up! Starting from your fantastic leadership and friendship plus all the other demos in our group. I know there are bigger groups, but do any of them share as much as we do?! I recommend being a demo to anyone...the best job you'll ever love! It rarely feels like work!

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    The contents of this blog are the property of Kristen Bryant, Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator, and are not endorsed by any company or entity. All stamped images are copyright Stampin' Up! To contact Kristen directly, email: [email protected]